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Whats Going On?

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Jordyboy9 | 06:41 Sat 14th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
The bottom of my screen now has 2 blue stripes privacy settings and a longer advert asking me to visit this or that hotel half my screen is covered in adverts I know that AB depends on adverts but in the 6 years I have been here it has never been as bad as this,I find it very distracting.


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Me too. Adverts across the top and down the right hand side of the page I can cope with and happily ignore, but the new one across the bottom overlays the text and is driving me nuts.
been flogged out here already and explanation has been provided by some
I don't have the adverts for hotel
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I don't know why that is Jordy, I just know that privacy thing bugs me on my screen, hope one of techies can help explain why and how you can clear it.
I use an iPad and don't have a problem with adverts, as they are nearly all out of sight, unless I scroll right down to the bottom of everything and I don't have any reason to do that. Just one advert at the top. Have got the irritating privacy thing, but it doesn't block anything. Obviously an iPad (or presumably any tablet) is more user friendly for AB.
You could be right there Margaret, I'm on the tablet and maybe that's why I don't see the adverts and that
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Oh, I'm flummoxed then for you Jordy :(
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can I suggest that those of you who are still having problems, post screenshots of what you can see on the Ed's blog stating what piece of kit you are using and what browser?
I use an old nexus tablet and a larger Samsung one. On both the only major ads are a block of 4 or so after "latest posts" at the bottom of the page. Sometimes there is an ad at the top. On the nexus there is a small banner to the left of the privacy box...this can be removed.
The new privacy settings box is irritating...only because of where it's placed. I'm afraid I might hit it by mistake.
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I hold my iPad vertically so I don't get adverts. Try it.
The most annoying thing to me is when I am trying to scroll up and I am directed to Facebook every time. They have very cleverly placed their advert in such a way that it is difficult to avoid it when scrolling.
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Only just got back on AB
Wish I could help

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