//The true importance of our politicians is about to be demonstrated - last week, this week, our world is falling apart...but next week the politicians all b...g.er off for three months//
The "true importance(relevance?) of the politicians who sit in the Mother of Parliaments is demonstrated every week on the media's coverage of the "debates" about those policies whereby the security and happiness of the realm are to be assured - or compromised.
Prime Minister's Question Time? A full set of "representatives" grinning into camera. Any other day or time? Some days you'd struggle to get two football teams from the opposing benches.
Westminster has out-sourced its main legislative function resulting in a considerable increase in leisure time. Given the quality of our representatives the fact that most are away in Tuscany or wherever has got to be good news, hasn't it?
On the excellent principle (whose most polite version is Jo Brand talking about Simon Cowell in a life boat): "better out than in".