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jennyjoan | 17:28 Fri 20th Jul 2018 | Animals & Nature
10 Answers
When I was looking at a site for dog boarding - it was asking the weight of Maxie.

For love nor money I couldn't get him on the scales so I weighed myself took horrible note then weighed myself with Maxie in my arms then calculated the difference. He weighs 21lbs.


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He is just a small lad, my first dog was about 60-65kg.

My fat boy cat is 6kg. I can't weigh his sister as she is a 'difficult' cat.

...and 3 ounces.
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And? what would 21lbs be in kgs.
9.52 kg

9.52544 lbs
Are you thinking that's too heavy jj?
//my first dog was about 60-65kg//.
Blimey! I'm 5' 8", and not exactly trim, and I weigh 66Kg.
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no ladybirder I'm too heavy LOL

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