Law1 min ago
Creative Zen
11 Answers
I have a really old Creative Labs Zen music storage/player with 1800+ tunes on it. Creative no longer provide the drivers I need to get my tunes off onto my PC in MP3 and I don't have access to a pc with the really old version of windows that synchs with the Zen. Can anybody help me get my tunes off? I'm terrified that my Zen will die one day and I will lose all my music. Thanks
http:// support. creative. com/ Products/ product_ list. aspx? catid= 213& CatName= MP3+ Players#
07:26 Tue 24th Jul 2018
I've never encountered any form of MP3 player that it isn't 'plug & play'. (i.e. no driver is actually required). They might occasionally come with software which, among other things, can be used to transfer files to and from a PC (just as digital cameras often do) but that doesn't prevent them showing up as an external drive when connected to a PC's USB port.
Have you tried simply plugging the device into an MP3 port, waiting for a while until it's detected (which can take up to a minute or two in some cases) and then exploring its contents using Windows Explorer? If you can access the files that way you can then copy-&-paste (or drag-&-drop) them into your chosen location on your PC.
Have you tried simply plugging the device into an MP3 port, waiting for a while until it's detected (which can take up to a minute or two in some cases) and then exploring its contents using Windows Explorer? If you can access the files that way you can then copy-&-paste (or drag-&-drop) them into your chosen location on your PC.
You don't say which windows operating system you are using but I think that the "Windows Media Player" if installed and enabled can do what you require.
https:/ /www.te chwalla .com/ar ticles/ how-to- sync-mu sic-to- an-mp3- player- using-w indows- media-p layer
Ohh can't find a new thread so I will post here.
Have a read through this forum Ruggief.
https:/ / t/forum /affich -47343- my-comp uter-do es-not- reconiz e-my-cr eative- mp3
Have a read through this forum Ruggief.
https:/ /answer s.micro m/en-us /window s/forum /window s_10-ha rdware- winpc/c reative -zen-mp 3-playe r-unabl e-to-tr ansfer- any/a68 342b0-4 99c-473 8-911f- 018d678 1f25a
There is somebody there that states how they managed - worth a try.
There is somebody there that states how they managed - worth a try.