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Remember This Spelling Aid?

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BEAC | 19:14 Thu 26th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Whether the weather be wet - or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold - or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather - whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.


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I remember: Mrs. B, Mrs. E, Mrs. A U T
Mrs. I, Mrs. F U L
Didn't know those....just...MrD MrI MrFFI...MrC MrU MrLYT....x
Oh bums! The nuns were right....I'd never get it.... :-(
I remember the opener, not heard of the others.
Oh yes. This one.
i before except after c.
^^^ Not very squote[cie]ntific, Boaty ;-)
Er, that didn't work!

It should read "not very sCIEntific"
Yes chris, just goes to show we were taught some rubbish!
I before E except after C is responsible for a myriad of spelling mistakes. The rule applies only when the sound of the diphthong is "ee" and there is only one exception, 'seize', which derives from French.
You're not wrong there Jack!
Yes, indeed. I used it this year with some of the Yr 7s I help with reading and dictionary work - kids still love it. :)
^^ JD, exactly. I used to teach 'When the sound you are seeking rhymes with bee, then it's I before e except after c'. Sorted out a lot of kids' spellings.
mrs m mrs I mrs ssi
mrs ssi mrs ppi

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