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With Child And Unhappy.

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Canary42 | 11:27 Mon 30th Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
The other side of the coin.

Blokes have it easy, it would appear (although that's not saying the spouses in these cases don't suffer extreme anguish - I know I would). But these women had some terrible experiences.

And of course the scourge of Mental Illhealth is still much underestimated and even scorned in some circles (as we saw on recent Blue Badge thread).


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I hated being pregnant. So many worrying issues. Luckily I didn't suffer with any mental health issue.
Quite frankly the problems associated with pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing lead me to wonder why any woman in her right mind would subscribe to it. Simply not worth the aggro.
It's not so bad, NJ.
I was physically well through both pregnancies but did have post natal depression quite badly after my second child was born.

I know I didn't suffer as badly as some do.
Excellent post canary, thanks .

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