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I think the point AOG is making (and I’m sure he’ll correct me if I’m wrong) is that here we have reports (albeit in the Daily Mail which, in some minds, automatically makes the report either wholly false or wildly exaggerated) of a Spanish politician suggesting that the invasion of his country by unarmed individuals arriving in rubber boats is...
13:16 Fri 03rd Aug 2018
"...we've seen people who are not being assisted as one would like"

Mr Lanaluce needs to be careful. He needs to establish precisely which "one" he is talking about. His remarks demonstrate quite clearly that he is more concerned with the plight of those arriving "unassisted" than he is with that of his constituents.
"Do you consider Poland to be unstoppable?"

Yes because plainly and simply it (or rather the migrants from it) are. Until we leave the EU (and probably after we have under the current ludicrous proposals) the entire population of Poland (and all the other 26 EU nations) can pitch up here and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. That is not the case with Africa.
// Our Governments are facilitating the creation of the Europen caliphate //

Nah. That’s bonkers even for you. They are economic migrants not a muslim army.

Europe population is 742million. Migrants reaching Spain last year, 22,000.
"unstoppable"? nah, but really, why do they want to come to Europe and then turn it into Africa? I Dont get it.
/// Yep, so you've quoted your favourite rag.... ///

Wouldn't you if you got a back hander. After all the billionaire owner of Hitler's favourite English newspaper has plenty of spare cash as he pays no UK tax, so regular fees to seeded agents is small beer.....
The problem is the large discrepancies in the wealth of the two continents.
Africa’s GDP is $2.2 Trillion.
EU’s GDP is $22 Trillion.

Africans will think if they have no opprtunities in their own country, their will be some in Europe.

Gromit, //Migrants to the UK come from Poland.
Do you consider Poland to be unstoppable?//

The last time I looked Poland wasn’t in Africa. This article is about Africans.
// Gromit, //He did not say Africa is unstoppable, he said the migrant problem was unstoppable. //

But the migrants are coming from ... Africa.

I mean really - Naomi is unstoppable - isnt she?
Peter Pedant, you got it in one .... for once. Have a gold star!
What is so different from the working class of Northern Ireland and England?
If the politicians do not protect us, then the petrol bombs and riots will begin.
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/// He did not say Africa is unstoppable, he said the migrant problem was unstoppable. ///

I never quoted Mr Landaluce, those are my own words, and the fact that these economic migrants are coming from the continent of Africa, I am perfectly within my rights to mention Africa, much as it may upset you.
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/// Canary42

/// Yep, so you've quoted your favourite rag.... ///

Wouldn't you if you got a back hander. After all the billionaire owner of Hitler's favourite English newspaper has plenty of spare cash as he pays no UK tax, so regular fees to seeded agents is small beer..... ///

How has this post missed the 'Post Removed' button??????????
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/// Africans will think if they have no opprtunities in their own country, their will be some in Europe. ///

Then the 'work shy' Africans will have to learn to work for it, the same as the Europeans have been doing for years.

Why should they come here and 'sponge' off the benefits we have worked hard to accumulate?
Why should it?
If it’s unstoppable there’s no point trying to stop it. Embrace, welcome, enjoy :-)
//I mean really - Naomi is unstoppable - isnt she?//

There's a strange sect in India which parades images of the divine Naomi on a massive cart under the wheels of which some of her most devoted followers throw themselves.
Some of her adorants. Yesterday.
I did tell PP that he'd got it in one - for once. ;o)

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'europe Has To Realise Africa Is Unstoppable.

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