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Crime Usa

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Theland | 04:31 Mon 06th Aug 2018 | Society & Culture
5 Answers
I watched an RT documentary about an old coal mining town in the Appalachians, where abject poverty reigns because of unemployment.
The focus was on the community spirit and how people just about got by.
One thing that was not a big issue was crime.
Then on the news, Chicago has had five murders over the weekend.
Chicago is poverty stricken, just like the mining town, but such a difference in crime and pride in the community.
I have my own thoughts on this, but what are your opinions?


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I don’t think poverty in the mining town is the same as poverty in Chicago. But without links we are working on just the information you provide. You obviously have your thoughts so how about sharing them?
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The population of the mining town would likely be white. The violence in Chicago would probably be black on black.
Does that explain it, Theland?
I think you have read Theland's mind there, sandy.
Although, given the thrust of the majority of his posts (the non-religious ones, in any case) I don't feel it was a particularly onerous task.

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