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Marriage Visitor Visa

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SunSab | 17:05 Mon 06th Aug 2018 | Law
38 Answers
Can I remain in the UK after applying for a marriage visitor visa, and I am married? why must I return back to my own country if I am leagally married to a UK citizen?

any advice appreciatedd


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No idea what is going on re answer removal, but I think that I had a practical suggestion, not put rudely, removed on another thread. I also believe that answer removal is permanent so maybe Ab Editor can't undo it either? I too saw Tilly's answer and thought it was germane to the question.
You are not a person I would expect to get an answer removed either Woofy.
This is what I asked. Are you a British Citizen?

It says here, in a previous post, that you are. 'I am a
Brtish citizen, work and earn over 22k a year, and have my own property.'
...but you know what, I don't actually want an answer.
This poster has posted six times about the same subject, each time supplying different information.
But Danny is that a reason to remove Tilly's question? Her question was pertinent.
Anyway, off to take Tilly out. Bye.
Ladybirder, my post was not a reference to Tilly. It was just a statement of how many different posts the OP has made.
I would suggest you seek advise from an Immigration consultant, SunSab.
I see Danny. Thank you. Now I probably would have understood if the poster had been suspended.
I suggest we all be a bit careful on this thread.....remember the estoppel question?
-- answer removed --
Hello again. With respect, Woof, I am not sure why we need to be careful. No one has overstepped the mark or has been rude or disrespectful.
I would still like to know why my answer was removed and feel aggrieved that an answer/question I posted, which may have clarified the situation, was thought to be unsuitable for this thread.
If that's overstepping the mark, then the mark needs to be moved.
Tilly - not sure why your post was removed as I wasn't around yesterday. Probably some sort of misunderstanding. In any case, I have reinstated it as I think it was a reasonable question.
Ab Editor for President! :) x
Kvalidir, wouldn't that be a demotion?
Sense at last. Bravo Ed.
Thank you very much, Ab Editor. I am pleased about that. :-)

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