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Fantasising Or Lying?

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Jordyboy9 | 09:20 Sat 11th Aug 2018 | ChatterBank
158 Answers
There are some who post on answerbank who by definition must be 150 years old,the reason I am saying this is,no matter what the post is about they have done that,been there,met him,would this come under Fantasising or just lying?


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In fairness jordy probably has some people in mind, but he would be very foolish to make them, his statement is true though :-). I bet squad feels happy now that he has had a wee dig at ummm( I doubt she cares though) .
10:08 Sat 11th Aug 2018
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Ah! That's so nice, thank you.
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Some members do indeed lead interesting lives and travel widely, I like to hear tales and adventures - if a touch of embellishment creeps in it doesn't matter a jot.
Sqad at 15:50 - and said aber never gets suspended or banned for said views, BUT dare to point out the error of her ways (as I did), as she had an unwarranted pop at me when I joined AB, and my answers get promptly removed - very odd. This one will also go the same way ....

Every word was true Jordy, sat here having a drink with the two Ladies now, not a problem in sight.
hereiam complains “my answers get promptly removed - very odd. This one will also go the same way ....”

And yet it’s still here! Someone’s playing a clever game.
Maybe he thinks we’re all retribates.
Still here so far!! Who's playing a 'clever game'??? Have to go now, will check back for your answer tomorrow, maybe ...
Good gracious, how comical.

Thread going as you thought it would Jordy?
You are Zacs, don't deny it :-)
HereIam........that particular ABer has seen off a few Abers and unfortunately, if one hits back then one takes the chance of being suspended. I am willing to take that chance.
There are some "untouchables" on AB......and she is one of them.
There comes a time when one gets just sick of it and then you have to make a decision.
Sqad, if you feel this strongly then perhaps you should either name names as was advised to Jordy or report it to Ed.
Veiled comments are as bad as what you are accusing the individual off.
Rockrose......telling teacher has never been my modus operandi. I will deal with HER in my own way.
Her comments are NOT veiled.....I have printed some on this thread.
Rockrose...I don't need to name her, she is mentioned in BEST ANSWER as well you know.
Oh I know who your having a pop at but what you’re doing is as a bad as what you are accusing her of. Also suggesting that she has seen off other users is plain nasty and somewhat of a fantasy.
Rockrose.....well we will have to agree to disagree.
Sqad, you're bang on. I've been on the receiving end of her spite and accusations but she continues to get away with it. She's very subtle in her nasty ways but it is evident to those on the receiving end.

Quite why anyone would defend her is beyond me.

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