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Magic Water

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1944screen | 13:00 Fri 17th Aug 2018 | Motoring
9 Answers
What is this waterless water Ed China keeps on about on wheeler dealers?


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It comes in powdered form; you just add water.
You can buy waterless car wash - is that what he's talking about?
Well, it's either "waterless coolant" or "waterless car-wash" ie stuff you clean a car with that requires no water from bucket or hose.
I think it's the former....
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Thanks Old Geezer.To take it a stage further,do you then add anti freeze.All I know is it does not overheat.Any more info would be appreciated.Thanks
^^^if you'd have read the whole link, you'd see that the freezing point of this coolant is minus nothing else needs to be added for winter use.
There would be no point in adding antifreeze to something that's already got a freezing point below that of a water/antifreeze mix. (Scroll down to the two paragraphs starting with "The freezing point of water . . ." in O_G's link).
It's waterless coolant, watch the TR6 episode.
There's a bit of advertiser's licence in the advert in OG's link. Water boils at 100deg - more like 120deg when it's pressurised, as car systems are. Water + antifreeze goes down to -20 deg before freezing - my Volvo handbook says -35deg. On top of that I've never had any antifreeze added, or a change, in 10 years/180,000 miles on the current car (or the previous Volvo). To change to waterless, using the advert figures, would cost in the region of £200. I can't see the advantage.

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