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Bad Smell

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booboopoo | 11:33 Tue 25th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
I work in a open plan office and I am perturbed at the smell from coming from a fat colleague, I know that this is due to the hot weather but it makes me feel physically sick, should I tell her or get her suspended until the Autumn.


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This is a horrible situation to be in and personally I couldnt tell anyone they smelled unless i knew them really well and even then it would be hard

There was a guy at our work who smelled bad and we tried a subtle approach. We mentioned different mens bodysprays/deodorants in general conversation with him and asked if he had tried them (this worked a bit as he went out and bought some of the ones we mentioned) this wasnt mean as girls often discuss perfumes/deodorants etc. A couple of the girls also made a point of telling him when he smelled okay (they would say 'you smell nice today' with a smile) but i think what sorted out the problem in the end was when we sat with him and said how hot it was at work and how we all were sweating and a bit stinky (even though we werent) we all had a laugh about the amount of deodorant we brought to work and how we used it all time. He said he had never thought of fetching it to work and using it throughout the day. Now he very rarely smells at all and hopefully no feeling were hurt.
Take to pieces of blue tack and roll them into balls that fit up your nostrils. Coat them in Tipex before inserting them, so as to make an air tight seal. Hey presto, You may feel a little dizzy but you sure wont smell anything !
I feel we are all being to nice to the smelly one and it�s not fare on the rest of the office, remember it doesn�t take much to wash and freshen up, and as the saying goes �you have to be cruel to be kind�. If you just tell her straight �look you stink� the worst she can do is leave and then the problem is sorted anyway.
Dick Cheese - lmao, perhaps the smell is not the open plan office and the answer is in your name. Truely brilliant, you have made my afternoon, thank you ;-o)
I didn't realise that all slim people smelled of roses.
Exactly Pippa.

Can the Bradford guy not just say exactly what he means?
It's so wonderful to see that bullying is alive and well in the workplace and not just the playground. You must be very proud of yourself for being so perfect booboopoo? Shame HR didn't tackled your nasty attitude before awarding you the mighty promotion to line manager. She may well be fat and smelly but I'll bet you she has a far more pleasant personality than you and your skinny chums!
Ooh come on she shouldn't be fat and smelly if she can't take a joke.
Batty Boy ~ do you need something inserted somewhere? just a thought, as you sound slightly frustrated.
Yes please if your offering!
Okey doke. Will a shillelagh do? :o)
Have you thought that this lady could have a medical problem that causes her to sweat??
i understand that this problem can be horrible and you need to to deal with it -

but i think the thing that stinks the most around here is your attitude!

get her suspended!!! - not only are you a repugnant snivelling little bully - you are a coward and a snide!

just do YOUR job, forget all the stupid hints like putting a peg on your nose etc , take her to one side and tell her that a number of people have commented on the smell and that you understand why given the extreme heat lately, and ask her to sort it out - simple

- if you can't come up with a simple plan like that yourself you are clearly incompetent in your job and should be suspended yourself until you get some training.

I find myself in the unusual situation of agreeing with Joko. I hope this is a joke I really hope that such an insensitive bully as you are is not really running staff. If I worked for you I think I would resign using the unusual but enjoyable method of boot up arse!
loosehead - i am so flattered - perhaps one of these days i may well agree with something you come out with ...miracles do happen

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