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Foods You Cant Eat Now

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nailit | 17:08 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Sort of following on from Donnys post below (because I don't want to hijack his thread)
Are there any foods that you ate as a child but cant stomach now?
Alternatively, are there foods that you couldn't stand as a child and yet eat now?

I used to eat pigs trotters and tripe. Cant imagine anything more gross now.
I used to hate tomato sauce but put it on nearly everything now.

Funny how tastes change...
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Mechanically Recovered Meat.
I used to hate booze and fags when I was a kid...........Now!
Not really. Very little anyway. I'll still be prepared to eat the same nice things and refuse the same awful things. But preferences have changed. I'm less inclined to have jam sandwiches, or put tomato ketchup on a fried breakfast, but will voluntarily buy white fish when the mood takes me.
With you on the white fish Geezer, but I do like a kipper or a bit of smoked haddock as well.
Oh and smoked salmon with scrambled egg for breakfast now and again. Christmas and summery Saturdays mainly.
JackD; again I learned to enjoy rabbit in France. Had a terrific little auberge nearby - just served the main plat with standard other courses. Rabbit was brilliant food and expensive to buy in the supermarkets. Can't find it here. :(
I used to love ice cold sterilised milk, but the thought of it now makes my stomach churn ! Like you, I too hated tomato sauce, but now love it !
pancakes - been on a low carbs diet and can't stand the taste now.

always bananas, food of the devil

broad beans, hated them as they were overcooked and used and used again, now if they are handled properly, like most veg, they are good.
rabbit available in our local market, jackdaw, ask a local butcher if they can get it for you....don't mind it but then after 7 years in HK and China, if it moves, I'll eat it.
we were made to eat whatever was on the plate, admittedly there are few things now i can't eat, however i never could stand tripe, just the word puts me off. and
black pudding, sends shivers down my spine if im anywhere near..
Same as emmie. I would never try tripe and black pudding when I was young, and I wouldn't try it now.YUK!
Black pudding is wonderful, don't over-cook it, like liver and kidneys etc....when it becomes leather, it is awful.
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I'm a picky eater. Never thought I was until my cousin pointed it out.

I'd only eat carrots and peas as a kid. Now I more or less eat all veg. Still fussy about meat though.

I'm not a fan of fry ups because I rarely eat sausage or bacon. I mainly eat them when I'm being polite to the person who cooked it.

I would never eat mince. Now I love a nice chilli or Spag bog.

My mum used to feed me brussels sprouts just to see the look on my face as I spat them out. I like them now.

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