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Rte 38

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snaro | 13:46 Mon 10th Sep 2018 | Crosswords
13 Answers
American might never be found wanting here ?k? And parse please and oblige.


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Ike? struggling for parse though
Is there a theme, snaro?
Question Author
Tanx capt 2. A bit obscuref unless it is eisenhoower as you indicate. I had sky but equally hard to parse. Many tanx
Just had a look, err, elsewhere and the only thing I can see as an answer with a 'K' in it is

27a In the Sky

Am I on the right track?
Question Author
Tanx scorpiojo /no just the clue. ?k? American might never be found wanting here /unless coming presidential election? Ike was us prez as you no doubt know tanx for mput. As I type I lean towards same.
Question Author
Tanx capt 2 yes I orig thought that and am dihesting both answers for better or worse may run with Ike.
What is the number for your clue please snaro?
Question Author
27 ac. (2) (3) (3). In the ?k? Oops cxapt 2. As I read it has to be sky . I went off track there forgot the ist 2 words. Apologies and tanx again.!!
Question Author
Yes scorpiojo and tanx to you also all done know.
No problem, glad we're sorted. :))
16d One of a Kind
27a In the sKy
Snaro, glad you got it sorted!

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