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midhurst | 16:03 Wed 05th Jul 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Which artist said 'If Warkton were a hundred miles away' they would go to see it.
I have tried before so I am living in hopes.


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WARKTON is a small village nr KETTERING, and if this is the Warkton of the quote, I can give you some leads that may lead you to the artist, IN the church there's some very impressive monuments (well worth seeing) they are to the Montagu's family, these were done by Louis Roubiliac and there is the seat of Duke of Buccleuch at Warkton Boughton house, and may be worth research on this as of the style of Versailes (may have spelt that incorrect) so may be paintings there by the artist. Hope this is of help, I do go to Warkton not been lately and church isn't open all the time I knew people there, let me know if you find answer I will see if I can find anything else providing the Warkton is the Northamptonshire one.
possibly: William Hogarth

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