People get angry - mass communication means we all get to know about it, to a degree that was never possible in years gone by.
The problem is, what really are insignificant incidents become blown up to be something far larger than they are.
Ms. Williams is a very very talented sportswoman who takes her profession very seriously, and is hugely passionate about it, and is obviously (and to her credit) possessed of a planet-sized sense of right and wrong. That is why she reacted as she did. It was not professional, or appropriate, but she was duly sanctioned, and the world should just move on.
The interesting opposite is the anonymous woman who decided to make her tedious life more interesting by shrieking at a cyclist who happened to be a Radio Two presenter with a camera which has given her an utterly undeserved fifteen seconds of fame.
The only things in common with these two stations is that mass media has blown them up out of all proportion, and its time the world simply moved on - life it too short for this sort of piffle to occupy our time.