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Hey, Nails!

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Tilly2 | 19:58 Wed 12th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
is your son still working? Just wanted to know if he is sticking this one out.

I do hope so.


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With Tills on the zoo "point". Stopped visiting zoos many years ago when they would let me in free but charge me to get out. (^_*)
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This is like reading 'Me an' mar lady'...:-)

In't it?
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I dunna like zoos.
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Actually, that should be^

'may un' mar lady.
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I'm off to take a Bay Chum Spider.

Goodnate. I'll be owe rate, tumorrer.
Don't confuse the ABers Tills,
they all think us Stokies are mad enough without the language barrier...
Gudnate Tills, sleep well me owd duck ...
In English please :)
Nailit, could your son not get a bike or scooter even if the buses don't work in his favour?

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Hey, Nails!

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