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Peep Ho....

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Bathsheba | 10:20 Wed 19th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
....Have you missed me?
Baths x x


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Ah the lovely lady who patiently taught me how to C&P a good few years ago.Very good to see you back xx
10:25 Wed 19th Sep 2018
Baths...the question you asked was:

"Have you missed me? "

I answered that question. You should have asked "Are you pleased to see me back?" Two different questions.
Thank you for you comment, I answer not as a retired ENT surgeon but as an ABer with a couple of medical degrees.

One doesn't have to take the advice.
True that!


Click "log in" in the top right, you must have done it before :)
I was only thinking about you the other day! Glad the dreaded depression has left you. Hope you can now enjoy some much welcomed health of sorts... Nice to see you. xx
Funny enough when you have physical battles depression sometimes eases. Or seems to. For others it gets worse. Caring for Red in his last weeks I wasn't depressed at all. Just focussed. Perhaps there is an element of that for you.
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Hiya Patsy :)
Rowan, I think what you said is not far wrong, trouble is, when I've got the depression I lie down a lot, then when it goes away, I'm a bit manic, and want to go out and do stuff, but I can't phaquing walk!!
Hi Bathsheba
Sorry you have been so poorly, good to see you back.
Trying to balance the extremes is hard.
Nice to see back...hope all your woes stay away.
Hi baffs
hope you have conquered the black dog (depression)

Dr Sqad has been Mr Grumpy of late - X is dead - so what?
Y ISN'T dead - so what?
Sqad are YOU dead - so what if I am?
that sort of thing
Good to see you back.
There does seem to be a more savage edge to some recent exchanges here in AB, mores the pity.
Hi Baths, welcome back!!!
Hiya Bathy. Nice to see you back.
Your avatar does appear on your profile
so should appear with your posts soon
"Dr Sqad has been Mr Grumpy of late - X is dead - so what?
Y ISN'T dead - so what? "

I wouldn't suggest that Sqad is Mr Grumpy. He shoots from the lip ( commended recently for doing so by another ABer) and obviously doesn't suffer fools gladly like a few more of us. :-)
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Hi and a big wave to everyone too numerous to mention, who have welcomed me back :)
Baths x x

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