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Am I The Only One?

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hazydaisy | 19:39 Thu 27th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Spent most of the day ignoring repeated calls to my land line
No messages left
I tried calling back but got the 'number unrecognised' message
Ignored next calls
At least a dozen
Some appearing to be international
Is this yet another scam beginning or just bored idiots?


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Buy a call blocker phone, Daisy.
I think these are calls that are dialled by computer and the first person to pick up is spoken to. I've never had as many as that one after the other but have had several in one day. Probably from abroad or less than reputable companies in this country. I wouldn't ring back, just carry on ignoring, as annoying as it is.
If you are with BT, you can register for call protect, it's free, bit of work involved as you dial 1572 straight after a call and it is blocked. We now rarely get any calls.
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How do I tell if it is one of the unwanted calls?
Technophobe! Aka Inept
How do I tell if it is one of the unwanted calls?

Usually there is a pause before anyone speaks ( usually with an Indian accent ), Daisy. If I answer our landline and there is a pause I hang up immediately.
Anyone with TalkTalk can add a call blocker to their line, free I think. If the number calling is not registered on the phone then it is intercepted and the caller has to say their name. You then accept it or not. If it's not accepted then it is blocked. It's good.

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