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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:09 Sun 30th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
Sunday. It's cool It's cloudy outside again this morning but Tiggy is still out and about in the garden. I hope it warms up a bit.

I'm out to lunch today. I'm looking forward to that. I don't think I'll be home until late.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Yeah whole new email address, 2 factor authentification, beefed up the anti virus etc. Swept the computers etc, changed router password, everything w can think of. We think it's someone who knows us though rather than a person outside of our social circle, so it's doubly troubling :(
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
Morning.... just woke up after sheep counting earlier. Finally fell asleep on sofa.
Sofa snoozes are often extra good rowan :) How are you keeping except for the shepherding?
morning rowan.....sofa sleeps aren't that good!
Ok I guess, realising I perhaps don't like my own company as much as I thought I did. It was certainly too quiet last night. I woke with a start, forgetting the last few months, couldn't hear snoring and panicked for a moment. Of course then reality hits like a truck. Silly cow, of course I couldn't hear snoring he's gone.... quick run through shock, disbelief, etc didn't quite get back to acceptance stuck back on sadness for a bit. It will pass it always does.
Thanks for asking.
It's a hard journey to make Rowan.
I think the way you're handling things is absolutely inspirational, I'd still be a wild screaming wreck not knowing how to deal with things at all. Much love to you xxx
Thanks, but in truth you get on with stuff because you have to. On bad days it's housework on autopilot on good days you tackle something bigger. I miss his hugs something rotten though.
I can imagine, it must be terrible and I couldn't be more sorry it happened :( x
Thanks again,
It's all part of emerging from the pit, Rowan, except that the climb up from the bottom from having lost him is never smooth, ups and downs, and it goes on a lot longer than folk think it does - 'why isn't X more cheery and back to 'normal' (whatever that is) as it's been x months?' - it's an oft heard remark and it can be a cruel one as we all experience loss in different ways and different speeds too.
I know the rule of thumb is 2 years for a partner, and it's only just over 3 months. Mostly I'm fine. Already smiling at the chaos around me that will soon be a lovely set of bed linen. And planning lunch. Normality resumed.
Afternoon all,
about to wallpaper a wall, after a lager. Worked a thirst up sanding some proud plaster down so there's no edges show through. How long for wallpaper to dry, an hour .... two .. overnight? When's safe to paint it? So impatient!
Painting is out, at least a day damn.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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