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Tasty Dinners

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jennyjoan | 10:11 Mon 01st Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Anybody advise of buying tasty dinners - perhaps frozen for a person.

I did think of cooking up stuff myself but I couldn't be bothered.


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Try Tesco meal deals.

Do you like noodles?

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sorry it's not for me - I cook from scratch. I'll try the Tesco meal deals. Thanks -
When I cook a meal say with mince or beef I make extra use one and freeze the rest . Then you just need to boil veg or whatever you want to go with it . Also I strip the chicken and use a sweet and sour or any cooking sauce and freeze in portions for one .
A lot of the old folk here use Wiltshire farm foods, you can get a menu brochure and order by phone. I sometimes resort to ready meals mostly from Iceland
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thanks all - as I have said not for me but for somebody else and don't think he could afford the Wiltshire dinners but I think I will cook some meats - then freeze those. x

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Tasty Dinners

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