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Am A Lucky Owner

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jennyjoan | 15:29 Tue 02nd Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Was walking up the cul-de-sac in a world of my own. When I approached my house I thought for a moment - oh postman has left me a parcel.

What was it Mr Maxie sitting on the step with a jumper that I had put on him. I couldn't believe it - my back door leading out to the driveway needs badly repaired. It musta rattled open and there he was sitting waiting patiently to see his mother LOL.

so lucky - he could have got knocked down. I'll have to get that fence repaired soon.



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:O I take it Mr Maxie is a doggo? If so what a good boy for staying put.
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Ach he is Spathy - just the loveliest dog and so happy to see me - with his tail wagging and running round and round.
Oh jj, how fabulous, :-)
How adorable! He was probably protecting the unlocked / open house :) I'm glad he didn't run away and stayed put on the step
Oh Jenny, you are a very lucky lady, poor Maxie could have been killed or lost.

Please get you door/gate fixed as soon as possible, I know you have been having jobs done around the house (I remember you telling us about your granite work tops).

But please put the gate at the top of your 'to do' list, I know how much little Maxie means to you.
My dog jumped over a low neighbour's fence and brought me their plastic frog ....triumphantly clamped between its jaws
My neighbour is of the complaining sort ....
agree spat
he was guarding the house for you ....
thinking - this is what dogs do ....
Low neighbours deserve to lose a plastic frog.
Hope the frog was binned.

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Am A Lucky Owner

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