No matter what Mr RR is watching on the box, he has to have the sound blaring. Now, I know he's not deaf, but why do men have to have the sound turned up so loud. Or, is it just him?
He wants a sound bar for the telly.........not on my watch, he ain't.
Dave was quite deaf, but he could manage with the volume up just a bit if there were no other distractions. Movies were another thing... home cinema system in a concrete construction building. I thank any power you believe him our neighbours were even worse than him. I have the volume on everything quite low, I don't cope very well with noise. I always have earplugs in my handbag. If I need to use them my hair hides them. I do agree though, a whispered do you want Apple pie and custard used to get a very rapid response.
Yes....and I grew up with a partially deaf person so was used to volums being loud.
He had an operation to fix his hearing and he hated it. He'd never background noise before. Cars, birds, everything drove him nuts. Then he'd have the telly on really low so us, with full hearing, couldn't hear it. He could lip read though....
Ginge is bad as well. He's OK with the TV it's the blinking Kindle he has full on. I send him to his room!
Deaf or not, I've never heard anyone say that in this country.
Mrs Clarion says I'm deaf but I tend not to listen! However, I do have tinnitus. High pitched whistling in my case. Had it since a childhood accident. But I still my hearing's ok. Wot? do you know that your husband isn't deaf in certain frequencies?
His hearing may be normal in the speech frequencies but impaired in the high frequencies.....deafness of ageing ( Presbycusis)
Xtischer had given you the answer......get him some wireless headphones.
Like Sqad, perhaps your husband may actually be becoming deaf. A hearing test would be a good idea. Mr J2's deafness came on gradually. NHS aids solved it for about 18 mths. but then the TV went back up to about 45 level . Another review showed deterioration and new aids were made and fitted in June. They were worse than useless and I had to resort to my 'playground' voice a lot (not good). Hooray! on Monday an audiologist tuned and tweaked and now the TV volume is a pleasant 18 or 20. I bet the neighbours are as thrilled as I am. He's beginning to tune out extraneous sound already.