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Does anybody ever get embarrassed by their accent ?

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inej | 18:59 Thu 27th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
33 Answers
Unfortunately i have been blessed (ugh) with a midlands accent not brummie but black country accent (not too strong) If you go to London or somewhere do you seem to change how you talk a little . I remember when i moved to Surrey for six months and was a bit embarrassed , you know we say grass up north and they say grars. I was embarrases to say the word bus . Anybody else like this or am i just odd ? thanks


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Hi everyone , thanks for the replies , am trying to perfect the queen's english lol
Hi unruliejulie leicester accent is ok , plus you make my fave crisps there. walkers cheese and onion xx
I am fine thanks raysparx hope you are ,this site is keeping you busy xx
funky moped i am not far away from you good old bilston aah
I'm a Brummie, I guess I do change my accent a bit, but when I get to know someone I change back into Brummy mode.
When I meet someone not from the Midlands the first thing they say is You're from Birmingham? DUDLOY!" which is Yam yam!!
I am born and bred Devonian, the best accent in the country
Hi inej,

I am fine, yes this site does seem to be like a magnet,that you can't switch off, although a couple of weeks ago I did think of leaving it, it was doing my crust in,then i thought stuff it,just answer the ones that are sane, with a few insults thrown in at certain others, you aren' t one of those though, take care, Ray
hey everyone,

I'm from Newcastle - compared to most I don't think that I've got a really strong accent but because I work in a call centre I am very aware of it. I don't really have to tone the accent down but have found that I sometimes need to speak slower. Apparently it is really common for notherners to speak faster than southerners!!

When people call most can tell that I'm from the north-east but a lot seem to think I'm welsh for some reason!!!!

A xXx
Dont you dare leave ray,dont you DARE!!
Couldn't leave you electric you are far to nice a lady,take care dear electric, Ray xx
I'm from Yorkshire! I don't mind my accent, but someone at work just laughed at me for the way i said "sure"

Shoouer! he's from the wirral!

I remember seeing my Aunt and Uncle on the local news and they sounded so common I was so embarrased! very eee bah gum!

P.S on a similar note, does anyone else think they sound dreadful on a tape recording?
I am a Brummie and I agree, I sound dreadful on video or answering machine etc! My other half is from Wolverhampton (via Wales as a boy), and we have a laugh over the different sayings we use - he says "give it neck" (for get rid of it), "it's nesh" (for it's cold), and others I hadn't heard of. I flummoxed him by saying "having a face like fourpence", and something was "black as your hat".

I think different accents are fascinating, although I do struggle with Scottish over the phone!
I'm from the North but living in China at the moment, and when I say 'bus' or 'summer' etc the Chinese people find my accent hilarious!
I'm from Yorkshire (Leeds) and I'm really proud of my roots and accent (until I hear myself on video lol) and deliberately speak even broader Yorkshire when I'm not in Yorkshire :o)
I'm originally from Durham. My parents moved the whole family down to Shropshire when I was 13. My horrible chemistry teacher, Mr Hogg, couldn't understand me so would make me stand on the desk to answer my questions( not nice for a very shy 13year old girl). Hence I've tried really hard to lose my accent. When I'm angry though it really comes out ;-)

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