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Georgiesmum | 20:54 Mon 15th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Do you think its a sorry state of affairs that children sometimes go to school with no breakfast inside them ?


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Coo, grapenuts, I used to love those. I didnt know they still made them. I will put them on my shopping list.
Toast with Bovril. yum
I agree with Andy Hughes.
I eat cereal in the summer and porridge in the winter.

If kids dont want breakfast theres not a lit you can do but when its down to lazy mothers not getting up in time to do breakfast thats another thing.

My Mum was always up hours before us to get things ready for us and i was the same with mine.

Was speaking to a young woman who said she was looking forward to the school holidays, how nice i thought till she went on to say it was it meant she didnt have to get up to get the kids off to school.
Tea tea tea...porridge around noon..made with water and salt...cereal and toast school days...
I like variety at breakfast time, today bran cereal, Greek yoghurt, blueberries, tomorrow could be an omelette or toast or grapefruit or anything really

As a kid I remember it being toast or cereal, if we were late it was a jam sandwich to eat on the bus.

As for kids going to school without breakfasts it seems wrong but I can imagine a lot would prefer to get out of the house to meet friends early.
I think our local primary has a breakfast club..great for working go in around 8am and get a proper brekkie made for them... great idea..combines child care and feeding...allows parents to get to work on time..
I reckon a stall outside a school selling bacon butties and toast would do ok
Slab of toast
I don't eat breakfast. I have a brunch at around 10.30 am.
^ Second most important meal of the day. :-) ^

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