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looking young

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wonder years | 00:22 Sat 29th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
ive just finished work and been to mam and dads with there shopping mam is 82, and dad is 87 ex navy war vetran on hms indifatigble, the y have been married 58 years, the both so funny, tonight mam said that the fonz was back on tv, and that he had not changed a bit !!! i explained it was all about computers dad, called her a silly old ******, and he had been trying all night to explain this to her she replied with well all the computers in the world could,nt change a face like yours!!!!![it must be true love]


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Oh wonder years what a lovely thread....I love the mam and dad thing btw...I thought I was the only one who still used it. Sadly my parents arent with us anymore, but they would have been 60 years married this year.....I can just imagine my mam saying just the same thing..xx
lol, on this nite of all nites u have no idea how that touched me, my Aunt passed today and she was the trendiest old bird u could ever meet
fantastic ... I bet they were a ''right couple'' when they were younger ...
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iam glad it made you smile they meet on a blind date and got engaged after two weeks they are not so active but have very active minds they are very precious to me and i know they wont be around for ever but i cherish all the time i spend with them and in return the are so appricative of what i do for them which makes them extra special, and i know redbel and dot. you will allways have your special memories of your parents and aunt.
that's made me all warm & squidgy ... in a good way, you understand
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heres just a couple of other things they say someone will say to mam hey you havent changed a bit dad will say come off it i would,nt have married if she looked like that, and dad says he sailed round the world 3 times in the navy and still came back and married my mam, they say have an argument but dont be afraid to be the first one to make the tea!!
Me to of the loveliest threads I've seen in a while. :)
wonder mum and dad met when she was standing by a bus stop on her way home from work. My dad walked passed her then did a u turn and I'm getting the same bus as you..
Don't go to sleep on an argument was the advice I had years ago! Lovely thread BTW. Whilst driving for work today I saw an old couple walking down the road holding hands - they must have been in their 80s! You don't see that very often, so sweet!
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just to finish this thread abot my wonderful parents, they did,t think they could have children and tryed 8 years before my brother came along sadly he died when he was 36 with cancer it hit very hard then 5 year later mam was 37 and dad 42 i arrived, so now ia,m stiil fairly young at 44, and theres only me left to help out i wash shop and do there housework, but they do a lot themselfs as well, take them on all there hospital vists which is quite often, i look after my little grandaughter elise 14 mounths who my parents say is better for there health than pills and then when i,ve done this most of everyday including my own housework and shopping i go to real work on an evening , quite hectic dont you think but i would,nt change a thing, after certain things happen in life [like the loss of my brother] it makes you look and take in what you have and appricate life more i kinda live and be happy twice as much one lot for me and another lot for him. thanks for your lovley repliesxxx

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