Just buy a few sweets in case any children call. Don't really like Halloween nowadays. It's a far cry from when I was a child. Then it was a dance in the village hall and if you were very daring ,a walk up Pendle Hill at midnight to see if there were any witches.
We live in nice village where parents go around with children, it's well organised. They also ask you if you'd like to open your doors to them, if not they won't bother you. Oh, and sweets were on hand if you didn't have any.
I suppose we're lucky. Years ago it was different. We used to get random teenagers knocking. We were always worried we might get eggs thrown at the door..lol! Didn't happen though...
I absolutely refuse to "Trick or Treat". In Scotland it's guising - can't abide Americanisms slipping in to our language! Doubt if I'll have many (if any) but have a few choccy bars just in case.
A mixture of sweets and fun size chocolate bars, got some of the lolly packs and some mini boxes of Smarties and mini Milky Ways. Whatever doesn't go on Hallowe'en will get taken in to work.