i was in asdas the other day with my 2 young daughters, and the eldest noticed a lifesized witch figure/deco/ornament thing that was moving her head around and cackling and had boggly swirly eyes.
it darn near freaked my daughter out and she wouldn't stop talking about it until she sent to bed. 'why was there a witch in there etc etc'. i tried to calm her by telling her not to worry, that the witch won't come to her, well not until halloween that is when she is in bed and the witch will collect her soul and transport her to the underworld, she was still a bit tetchy.
ok, seriously, should asda be allowed to do this, or is it my responsibilty to shield our childrens eyes until we reach the cheese section?
asdas shouldnt do it, they should also ban any santas grottos for same thing.
couldnt you just tell your daughter exactly what it is? a toy robot thats dressed up for a holiday in which even children pretend to be witches and ghosts?
I was absolutely terrified of Father Christmas as a child. I have photos of me age 2 looking scared stiff sitting on his lap. I am still absolutely terrified of gollywogs (watch the censor on this!!)
The biggest fear of all was of Punch and Judy!! Yet again more photos of all these kids laughing and me aged 5 sitting their looking absolutely terrified!!