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Superiority - Why?

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Theland | 01:18 Tue 30th Oct 2018 | Society & Culture
68 Answers
I am puzzled why some ABers make such strenuous efforts to assert their superiority in areas such as knowledge, morals, and jus about everything else they see a crack in the wall.
It often turns into uncomfortable posts, and becomes personal.
That's sad in my opinion.
So, my question is, "Should ABers be aware of their proclivity to be superior and make efforts to avoid it?"


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My answer to the OP, Yes. I find a lot of answers come across as pompous
09:23 Wed 31st Oct 2018
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My, "Answer Removed," notice has been removed.
Wow! "First they came for the communists."

? how true ?

answer removed is back again - see last page

is this resurrection or - "I cant be bovvered to look before I put pen to paper" again? - anyway boys abnd girls - enough of this
there is an exciting new thread on Clairvoyance to contribute to
If we all lived and let live the world would be a much nicer place people?
^That works if everyone else agrees - but they don't.
-- answer removed --
Who isn't allowed their opinion?
My answer to the OP, Yes. I find a lot of answers come across as pompous
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I'm a Venus fly trap? I like the originality.

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Superiority - Why?

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