With help I have completed the crossword but can't make sense of the instructions at the beginning, obviously this will only apply to those who have completed the crossword . It wants a letter from each of the 3, 4 and 5 answers to give a sentence that relates to the armistice. Has anyone cracked this.
Every clue leading to a 3, 4 or 5 letter answer contains a letter in a specific location (think of the time). These give the message when read in clue order - ie acrosses 10 13 20 26 30... etc. downs 2 3 4 5... etc.
there are 28 3, 4 and 5 letter answers, no idea how many letters in each word, I've arranged them as across and then down answers and also as mixed across and downs but in order of the clue numbers. I thought of the eleventh hour or a minutes silence but still can't find the appropriate words. Thanks for the suggestions so far. Shall now go to my circuit training, perhaps that will increase the blood flow to my brain
Yes, there are 28 clues in the sequence - your first thought is the correct one, and there is only one letter per clue (just count from the first letter in each clue).
The instruction (7 words) reads in oclue order from 10ac to 44dn.