I am a fan of piercings and have a few myself but I personally think tongue piercings are nasty that and belly buttons. And now piercing is so 'cool' it has put me off having any more. But I am sure she will ove it if she really wants to have it done, just find yourself a good clean piercer who isn't afraid to take their time etc...
yuck. i dont see why anyone would want this done. it could get infected. and plus it makes u talk weird, possibly for a long time. and nasty food stuck in it, imagine kissing that. hehe but if she does it good luck! im sure itl be something to talk about.
I had my tongue pierced for years - It was sore for the first day or so, and then never presented me with a problem. And gents, yes - it is true what they say ;-).
Only reason I took mine out was for my church wedding, where i though the vicar may be put off by a flash of metal from in my mouth.
As long as you go to a reputable piercer, she will be fine, and after a few weeks you can both enjoy her piercing!!
ive had my tongue pierced for a couple of weeks now and not had any problem with it, cant eat for the first couple of days, and cant really eat/talk properly till the bar gets changed for a smaller one, but as long as she looks after it it'll be fine :-)