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If A Californian Survivalist Had Retreated To A Bunker In The Face Of Forest Fires...

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sandyRoe | 11:03 Sat 17th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
...would they have survived the inferno?


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yes the forest fires soon pass over as the vegetation and trees are soon consumed, i think there would be no lack of breathable air too,might not be too fit after the event but would survive
I cannot believe so many have died and are missing. Surely there was an evacuation plan in place? Family an friends looking for the missing, why did they not implore their family to leave?
Would it not depend on where the bunker is situated? If it was below the house, where many are in America, then with the fire raging above, I'd have thought the oxygen would have been consumed fairly quickly.
Just think Dresden. The whirlwind sucks oxygen and consumes it.
Most casualties in a firestorm are deprived of oxygen.
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If a bunker was designed to protect against nuclear fallout it would need a self contained air supply. People in one like that could have survived.
my neice & family were evacuated out of CA as were their neighbors. She said her swimming pool boiled & dried out by the fire.
not necessarily, surely these fires have swept away whole towns what chance would a survivalist have,
tamborine...., i dont believe the pool boiled,
retrocop.... dresden was a different ball game completely it was a firestorm not a forest fire, as i said forest fires pass over quickly depending on the wind speed ,homes will burn longer obviously as there is more fuel for the fire ,if your in a bunker you'd survive
that said the bunker if done properly would be situated a few meters from your home preferably underground, but a survivalist would know this
Question Author
It looks as though the death toll in these fires is set to rise. There are many hundreds reported missing.
last count it was over 600 dead or missing
theory of fire storms
retrocop.... dresden was a different ball game completely it was a firestorm not a forest fire,

having created one fire storm the allies spent a lorra moolah in trying to re-create it - pattern of incendiaries, with the magnesium spread out - and failed...
as the towns they were bombing werent built right. Not crowded enough, not enough wood, too much brick
remember george wallace(*) of alabamy's running mate - "Bombs away with Curtis E Lemay?(*)" - Lemay organised the flattening of Japan 1944-5. He stripped the US bombers of armaments ( more bombs) (eek!) and made them fly lower ( more accurate but more deadly for them)(eek! eek!) having noticed the wooden houses of Tokyo were amenable to fire bombing. They did have an experimental test bed 'The Japanese Village'. Result - 20 sq mi of Tokyo was razed in March 1945.

If the fire passes over and then burns out - the aerial shots show a 'front' - very much like saddleworth moor in the summer - however there were times when whole hillsides were burning. I think the victims all stayed at home as part of the autonomy of the Great American Public who thought of it more as a flood or just abother overplayed non disaster.

(*) who he den - who dey all den?
The child-president in Crazy town
said - Nah I aint gonna help - it is all your own fault
because Californians had voted in large numbers for Hillary.
God - what a way to 'run' a country
Put yourself in a sealed tomb without filtered air supply and air conditioning and you will roast.That is the principle of a Dutch oven.
You can't outrun a Forest fire as these fatalities confirm from Cyprus years ago.
The Paras were told to roll up in a little ball and hope their Denison Jump smocks would save them as the flames passed over and consumed the oxygen.
when all is said and done with this question , it was asked would a "Survivalist" survive and yes as they are intelligent and resourceful people they know "whats what " and as shown in a recent doc: not only build to get through a fire but an attack nuclear or otherwise,not a direct hit obviously,

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