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Where Do The Lib Dems Stand On May's Deal?

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sandyRoe | 14:19 Sun 18th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
They seem to have been keeping their heads down in recent times.


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Inside the EU we were bound by EU regulation, the Customs Union tariffs and subject to the ECR, but with a vote and the legal provision for quitting the club (Article 50).

Outside the EU under the terms of the May "Brexit" we are bound by EU regulation, the Customs Union tariffs and subject to the ECR, but with no vote and no legal provision for quitting the club.

If you're by nature servile and timid as in "I'm being treated quite well as a slave, well-fed etc, and I'm not at all sure how I'd cope if I were free and had to cope for myself", then this arrangement should appeal.

Has that answered your question, Sandy?
V E, is that from a Libdems standpoint?

crikey, thats not good at all VE.
I meant the ECJ. Got confused with the ECHR.
The LDs are an irrelevance. They only have 2 more MPs than the DUP, who are much more important to the government's survival.
V E, you haven't answered the OP's question re Lib Dems.
They will vote against it. No surprise there.
I thought I was saying the Lib Dems love the EU and therefore will love the May deal , Danny. Might have to drop the Dem bit from the brand after next March, though. Mind you, any one who is a proper democrat wouldn't be pro-EU, would he?

On Mrs May's tombstone (or perhaps that of British liberty): "Brexit means Wrecks it".

I'm profoundly depressed and saddened by this comic tragedy. I have no Dawkins "selfish gene" interest in the survival of a free and decent Britain (or free and decent Europe for that matter) because I have no children of my . But my late wife has children and grand-children. They will have to live in the ugly thing the civilised society you and I were brought up in is becoming.

Douglas Murray calls it the strange death of Europe. It's not a death, it's a bestial metamorphosis.
Changing the subject slightly, a Canadian friend sent me an email asking, 'Where's Boris?'

I don't know the answer, do you?
They don't like it, want to reject it, and hope that a "People's Vote" -- which is, to be fair, a rather contrived way of avoiding the words "second referendum" -- is the outcome.
tilly, remarkably silent, for one so vocal..
It is rather a mystery where BoJo is. Perhaps he's plotting a leadership challenge? Or perhaps waiting to see if it's worth it right now?
Probably at home biding his time.
Hmmmm? I suppose he'll emerge, eventually.
there is a list i just looked at, that 25 or so have signed letters of no confidence in the PM, but not one from Boris.
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Could he be willing to wound, but afraid to strike?
after all his errors in the FO, he's probably licking his wounds and he's underestimated May's resilience. Remember the dead bodies in Libya, his Iranian faux pas with the charity worker, the Prosecco remark to his Italian counterpart - and then Lord Digby-Jones tore into him at the Con conference as being irrelevant and obnoxiously rude after BoJo's comments on business.

No, if May does fold, my bet is Gove and a run from Justine Green as well.....
why not Dominic Raab or even JRM?

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Where Do The Lib Dems Stand On May's Deal?

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