Sqad - // Eleena.......death is commonplace to me, have seen famine , tragedies all my life and they have no effect on me particularly when they relate to someone that i had never known or even met.
I find it difficult to grieve even about someone close to me, so you see the question of writing to someone who has just died is difficult......and i don't and particularly on the Internet....so impersonal. //
You write about your absence of empathy as though it is something to be proud of - it's not.
// Yes Kvali's post 14.19 was superb, but she is after all an actress, so you see it was totally without feeling or emotion.....in other words it was meaningless.....it couldn't have been any other way. //
But at least you're consistant - only an empathy-free individual would presume to know that a stranger is making something up on the basis of her profession.,