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Tasteful Or Tacky? Your Christmas Style?

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Barmaid | 15:37 Fri 30th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
30 Answers

This article made me laugh and sigh in equal measure.

I like to think we are reasonably tasteful, a real tree, holly and ivy over the hearth and single colour lighting. That's if I can be bothered to do anything.

My parents have a mish mash of a tree with decorations we made when we were children. It'll be gaudy but SO sentimental.

However, Mr BM does possess an LED lit reindeer which he bought when his daughter was little. If that makes an appearance on my roof, it'll be more than baubles he'll be missing!!!!!!!

So what's your style? (It doesnt matter, I just thought that this was a fun thread).


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Oh and pure white lights on tree too :-)
Tasteful I guess as all I put up nowadays is the candle arch in my front window which looks lovely from outside in the dark. It's in memory of my beloved parents.
I don't bother putting up decs or a tree now, but when my son was young we'd put up the fake tree with old baubles and things he'd made. Our top of the tree creature was a penguin.

Tacky, I guess Will Hanson would say.
I do Yule, lots of natural foraged things, and I do Christmas decs for my siblings children, so that's all quite child centric and not at all sophisticated :)
Always used to have a manger scene despite my own beliefs. In the porch just lit with a tea light.
I think I'll print out that photo of him and put it at the top of our Christmas tree. Sooo tasteful.

Just done my fireplace
That looks gorgeous Minty x

MM, that is just sooo tacky, imo.
I love reading his (WH)'s pieces in the DM, the apoplexy he creates is fantastic, you can almost feel the steam coming from irate ears, I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing!
Our tree is cut the day before we buy it and never comes inside more than 10 days before the big day, the lights are all soft white, not those hideous very bright, bluish ones, we have lovely electric candle lights from our Germany days and lots of wooden decoration. Outside we make a token gesture with white ights along the hedge.

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