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George W Bush Rip

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murraymints | 07:30 Sat 01st Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
George snr has passed away.....RIP


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George H W Bush, Minty, Dubya's still here.
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missed an H ..soz
06.46......whether one likes Trump or not, that is a totally unacceptable comment to make....particularly on an AB obituary thread.
I had the privilege to be part of his security team when he once visited us. What a thoroughly decent gentleman he was. Made a point of thanking us individually on his departure and made sure we got a signed photo of him shaking hands on his departure prior to embarking on Airforce 1 at Heathrow VIP suite. My parents proudly had a copy made and it hung above their fireplace for years. I still have the security pin, always changed on every visit, to denote who were the goodies entitled to carry firearms.
I always laugh when I recall that visit. It was routine for all firearms,carried by the president's secret service security team,to be surrendered to Airport police on landing at Heathrow against signature. They would then be returned on Airforce 1 immediately prior to departure. We all knew this was a big charade as an advanced party of about forty men and women had arrived about two weeks earlier in a gigantic USAAF Starlifter transport plane carrying the Presidential fleet of armoured limos and ambulances.
They would be at the airport on arrival.. The team incoming,now disarmed, went straight to the US Embassy and drew out replacement firearms for the duration of the visit.
At the end of the visit, having said his goodbyes,to government representatives and us he mounted the stairs to Airforce 1 and just as he turned to give the final wave from the door of the aircraft there was an almighty bang.
You never saw so many covert firearms that 'didn't exist' suddenly see light of day. They were all rather sheepishly replaced in their shoulder holsters when it was explained the control tower had,as routine,activated a blank cartridge bird scarer in order to prevent bird strikes or engine ingress on take off of all VIP flights.
Yup. RIP George.
Rip George.

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George W Bush Rip

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