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1ozzy | 07:07 Tue 04th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Many ages I will add

I learn't "POS"

Parent over shoulder!

I've since learn't lots more but my kids beat me every time and even my youngest kid is old!!

What "techno-talk" can you help me with?


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pmsl...p@@@@@ myself laughing
rofl....roll on floor laughing
is this the sort of thing xx
Question Author
Nah, not quite Mally.

Got that lingo in place.

There be new stuff to be learn't
sorry xx

It has most of the stuff you will need and gets updated pretty often
Question Author
Chin up!

I'm sure you can find more to offer ;-/
Not that will get past the language filter
G'day Cobber.........Perhaps a good AF may be useful.

Don't know if it's General but AIR is adult in room
Slightly off topic (i.e. not of a techy nature) but many, many moons ago, when my children were kids, they began speaking 'Eggish' so that me and the missus wouldn't be able to understand them. Or so they thought! What they didn't know was that their generation hadn't invented 'Eggish' and i used to speak it when i was a kid. Took me a few days to remaster the lingo but one night, as my eldest daughter and her cousin were discussing (in Eggish, of course) a boy they both fancied, i turned to them and said, "I ceggan eggundeggersteggand eggeveggry weggord yeggou eggare seggayegging." The look on their faces was priceless and we still chegguckeggle about it to this day.

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