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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:37 Sun 09th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
74 Answers
Sunday. It's wet outside again. Becoming the norm isn't it!

Nothing essential to do today, so it's get the paper, a bit of shoplifting and see my favourite checkout girl. I'm sure there something on the idiot box to snooze through.

Have a happy day everyone.


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okay, time for some jobs.....then fuel/papers and back on here around 8.30 - meanwhile behave yourselves and have a good one if you too are off into the ether before 8.30
well if I wasn't depressed I would be after 10 mins o' him Rowan !!
bye for now DT xx
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Have a good'un DT.

re 0756. Me too!
Dreary little git isn't he. But this would be lying

ahh that's better !!
Randy Newman song would put most people to sleep, or chuck it across a room, but the Beatles now that would make you smile..
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They were very good, weren't they!
best go get oot the fluffies..harling man is due soon... see you later xx
they were indeed, unique and very musical.
bye minty..
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I hope it all goes well minty xxxxx

I must make a move too.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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