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Can self help books work?

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steve208 | 21:31 Sun 30th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I know this is really a bookie question but wondering if anyone has read the book by dale carnigie entitled - how to win friends and influence people? did it change you for the better at all? T. I A


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no it didnt sorry
I have read some and became amused/bemused with them, then i was recommended a book called "The certain way" by Wallace D Wattle (downloaded it) and am now sure it works as the biggest help comes from your attitude not an outside influence read and enjoy
steve!!!!! how you doing mate?? i was just thinking yesterday about you, wondering how you are!! did you get yourself out last week?? let us know you're ok xXx
sorry just in case the green name confused you i got banned as posy-jo :-( xXx
Question Author banned? but your one of the regulars on here!

Well yes i did get out a bit last week and do a couple of job applications.

you posted at just the right time ive just got back from work. now i ve got this aft off, tommorow and wednesday morning off! and off thursday ...tis all good will try and get some things done. But cant go swimming today as have hurt my foot!

Hows things with you your hubby back home now?! know you were missing him for a number of reasons!
hi hun!! glad you got out and about and you did some job applications!! well done!
hubby is back on friday, i can't wait (for a number of reasons!! lol!!)
i got banned because stupid idiot that i am with computers i pasted a link that had half of my contact details in it!! so got everyone to report it for me and therefor got banned!!
what you done to your foot?? i've done my shoulder in so i can't go aerobics and it's annoying!! xXx
Question Author
oh i see so prob good to get banned as not good to have personel details on tinternet. (sorry love saying tinternet!)

well i just scratched my feet lots so are red raw...were just really hot and itchey...dont think its a good idea to go in pool. well might go on wednesday!

no probably not a good idea to go swimming!! lol!
i'm glad to see you are a bit more positive!! i mean that mate!! have fun on tinternet!! lol!! i'll catch up with you soon. take care of yourself xXx

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Can self help books work?

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