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Play The Lotto

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MartaCBuckner | 03:55 Thu 22nd Nov 2018 | Gaming
18 Answers
Is it Worth it to Play the Lotto?


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It was never really worth it, but now it is even less so since they had the nerve to increase tickets to £2 and increase the number of balls to 59
12:52 Thu 22nd Nov 2018
Note first time poster so may be spam (the same user name is also used on a Vegas gambling site).

Of course it is not worth playing the lotto, except for the one person who wins the top amount.

The odds are heavily weighed against you, but then the dream of winning that top amount spurs people to buy tickets.

As has been said many times, it is a poor people's "tax".
Playing the lottery of life is enough of a gamble for most people!
i've had tickets in the draw for 24 years and haven't had a four figure win yet :-(
No it's not
If you win it is.
Otherwise no, give to charity directly.
(Unless it's a week when I'm going to win, then it's worth you putting all your worldly wealth into buying losing tickets.)
There is a flaw in your reply OG.

There is no week when you are going to win.

The best way to ensure you are financially better off and enjoy it is to play Russian roulette Lotto.

Write down your numbers but don't buy a ticket. After the draw check the numbers and almost always you will celebrate being £2 better off.
It was never really worth it, but now it is even less so since they had the nerve to increase tickets to £2 and increase the number of balls to 59
if you have a strong dream to have millions given to you without working for it then yes it's worth it, you won't get it any other way.
I agree with goodgoalie on that one. Prizes are geting smaller, more numbers, the cost gone up and to top it off all the profits go to Canada teachers pension fund who now own Camelot.
There are plenty of millionaires that would disagree, Hoppy.
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I have read this blog stating about worth in playing the lottery. It said that if i play lotto to get rich, I'm not going to get my money worth.
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I Agree to that @Prudie, there is no other way in getting millions in an instant
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Yes lottery is a form of gambling
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I did read somewhere that if you buy your ticket more than one day before the draw then your chances of dying before the draw are higher than those of you winning the jackpot.
No, if in the sense of getting a decent return on the "investment": the odds are staked against you massively.

Which is why somebody in the last century described a lottery as a "tax on the stupid".

But if you won't, and only if you won't, miss two quid a week, then buy a ticket. In the extremely unlikely event that you get lucky you get very lucky indeed.

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