A few weeks back I met someone on a train, but didn't manage to catch their number, however I would really like to meet up with them again.
The question that I am really trying to ask is, does anyone have any ways in which I could try and track this person down. I know the Uni she goes to, the course she does and obviously what she looks like. So does anyone have any ways in which I could use to try and trace her whereabouts.
In the US it would be easy to find them using www.facebook.com , but I honestly don't know if that is availible in the UK. I would think that if you have any college friends that go to the same university, they could find them on some sort of directory.
Phone the Uni and ask questions, leave a message for the course lecturer/s with details of her to ask classes if she's amongst them like " was any girl here recently on a train from .....on this date.... Ii so I have a message/number for you!" You could ask the Uni to post a message (there must be a message board) for her to contact you. Or, you could simply find out the day/ time her course runs and sit outside and see if she comes along. Good luck.
As applebee says, facebook is popular with lots of uni students (in the UK as well as the US). Alternatively, many unis have an e-mail directory you can access online, so if you know her name and course, you should be able to find out her university e-mail address. There's also Friends Reunited as a possibillity. I hope you manage to find her.