Kvaldir. I can remeber the exact moment that I got the flu. I was working and staying in an hotel in Frankfurt. It had a 15m pool and I swam 100 lengths of it. I felt fine when I got into the pool but when I got out of the pool I felt a bit shivvery. I went back to London the next morning and felt like death. I was supposed to fly on to somewhere else when I got back but our flight was delayed and we went out of hours so I went home which was just as well. I went to bed for 3 days and took to my bed. I remember that it took all my willpower just to raise my head off the pillow, or to go to the loo/refill the hot water bottle/ make a cup of tea. I couldn't understand why I had so much pain in my buttock muscles, inside thighs and upper arms. I later found out from a nurse friend that flu sets into the weakest point and my weakest points were the muscles that I had used whilst doing 100 lengths of swimming. That particular friend's mother contracted the flu during that time and she became jaundiced because she was an alcoholic - her liver was her weakest point.