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Cost Of Brexit So Far?

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Atheist | 19:51 Tue 18th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Can anyone point me in the direction of how much we have spent on Brexit so far? And how does that compare with the savings that might come from it?


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I think people can 'justify' any figures they wish to dream up on issues like this
Can't answer your question but debating the future costs whether Brexit or some other discussion. Also the benefits of freedom from the EU isn't simply savings, nor new lucrative trade agreements. It's in a regained status, being a self controlled nation again.
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I guess I was just thinking of the 2 billion that the govt is proposing to spend on exploring the consequences of a no deal.
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So, OG, you don't know and you think it doesn't matter, because we will have other benefits, e.g. freedom (freedom from the feeling of foreigners bossing us around? Freedom from decent environmental standards?)
it is a sunk cost
( =waste to you and I)

and the account will be - how much we DON'T spend
rather than what do we get for our money .....
No figures available without a biased slant. However it is estimated that the EUSSR costs Britain £118Billion a year. I cannot imagine that the "negotiations" hold a candle to that figure...…...can you?

""In our book The Great European Rip-Off, my colleague David Craig and I estimated the total cost to Britain of the EU, once the harmful impacts of its numerous policies and regulations have been taken into account, to be £118 billion a year. That is equal to £1,968 for every man, woman and child – a life-changing amount of money for millions who are currently struggling to make ends meet. ""
I think it's an irrelevant question. A bit like asking how much an army activity costs when they'd still be paying for training/manoeuvres anyway. Plus trying to compare cost and saving is a false comparison because it's not all about either.
I suspect the total is in or around the low billions. One could also make a case that Brexit has already had a slight impact on growth over the last couple of years. I daresay there is the possibility of making a reasonably accurate estimate: one study suggested that the economy would have grown about 2% more than it actually has since 2016 has we voted to remain, which is equivalent to £500m lost per week since June 2016 (link at end), but this can only be an estimate.
Togo: I'd generally speaking take with a pinch of salt any article that begins with "in our book...", because at that point the guy's clearly trying to sell something.

Still, I am not sure that the Centre for European Reform is any less biased as a source. The article I linked to does, at least, have the advantage that it criticises its own model and explains how they tried to test it, which is one up on what looks rather like some dubious accounting.
How much did the failing banks cost us?
How much does the overpaid BBC cost us?
How much did the consultancies for HS2 and London Crossrail cost us, to name just a few projects.
How much did the Carillion failure cost us, because the regulators, who also cost us too much did not get the big four audit companies, who also cost us billions, to do their job properly.
So Brexit? Piddling!
not much that would not have been spent anyway, all the civil servants would be getting paid regardless ditto the politicians. Bit more on May's transport budget but negligible.
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So, none of you know.
//not much that would not have been spent anyway,//

At least we are spending it here TTT, without the need for permission from the EUSSR, drunk on power, pyramid scheme administrators.
Cost me sweet F.A.
It has cost £813.73 for every man, woman and child in Rhyl. (other bull shhhh it facts are available)
No, we don't, but nobody else does either. You can only estimate.

There are good signs that Brexit has negatively impacted growth already, but how long that will continue, and how far it will go, is far from clear.
//(other bull shhhh it facts are available) //

Is that the stuff deposited by the glow bull herders?

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Cost Of Brexit So Far?

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