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vetuste_ennemi | 02:07 Thu 20th Dec 2018 | News
20 Answers
Sky News's Press Preview discussing whether or not Corbyn had accused May (sotto voce) of being a "stupid woman".

I assume truth in British courts is an adequate defence to slander or libel charges. So why deny?

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Mrs May's moral or intellectual competence is the wrong question. The right question concerns the future governance of our country - which I would like to think of as my home.
I'm not certain but think MP's have some sort of exclusion from some elements of English law whilst in Houses of Parliament. He was a *** and whilst he may have thought it, was even more stupid to try and deny it after the event IMO.
Question Author
Tony, if he called her a silly woman, ab itch, or God knows what, why would it matter to a normal adult?
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Would you accept being verbally abused in your work place in front of colleagues? But bit of end of term games as they break up today and something other to do discuss other than Brexit? But Corbyns chances of a vote of no confidence where slim but zero now.
Question Author
Guilty as charged, Ozzie.

(Grow up, Tony)
Morning Ozzy they are mere mortals same as us, but my Mrs who is not a great political follower found it very amusing, but at £70 grand apiece before expenses they might put on a better show?
VE if they were children maybe, but not adults acting in that way. How abusive do you need to get before it becomes offensive?
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Is that what the "naughty corner" thing is all about?

Punishment accepted.

Eight minutes, innit?
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(Ref Ozzy at 3:18)
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With better preparation by a publicly funded shyster lawyer, and in the presence of a sympathetic parole board, I might have been released after two.
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I’ve been called a Cupid Stunt in the workplace and a lot worse to my face. Muttered comments wounding silly people’s sensitivity’s making national headlines displays to the world what fools we are portraying.
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Don't understand the the anti-vac parents point, Ozzy.

Just watched last BBC4 episode on Christianity, dramatisation of West Indian slavery prior to abolition, Sky News on Corbyn calling May a witch - and suicidal Colin Firth film just starting.

All cats sorted, but half a litre of Bstill unattended.
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Strange elision: B(acardi) still...
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If he'd muttered 'Stupid person' instead of 'Stupid woman', I get the feeling it would have been not as bad, in some way. Which is illogical, really.

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