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Oh Having Stitches Out Tomorrow.

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Caran | 00:49 Fri 21st Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
After his cancer op for half removal of his nose his stitches come out tomorrow.
It has been an interesting experience on people's reactions.
We have had the last two days at an U 3A outing. Lots of people came over with real concern as he had dressings down his forehead and across his nose, he really did look a mess. A lot of people asked him what had happened but we know these people. What amazed me was, we went shopping in Lidl this afternoon, two complete strangers came up and asked him what had he done, or how the other bloke got off.
Would you approach a complete stranger and ask this?


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A complete stranger, I wouldn't approach - if I got chatting in some way however I may mention how sore they looked and wish them well - but I wouldn't make a beeline for them.
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It was weird Mamya, she just came straight in and said what has he done?
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He does look a mess, he has scars all down his forehead when they took the graft on his nose. His nose has this big bump for the graft on it. Lots of blood clots all over his face. We try to cover it as best we can.
Well, some folk eh?

Hope the healing process goes well.
Their problem , not his or yours.
No. I wouldn't. Some years ago I had a very minor blemish on my chin that would hardly ever stop bleeding. When I had it removed by the nurse at my local surgery, everyone at work saw the dressing and said I should try learning to shave again.
Caran some folks have no sense, just say you should have seen the other guy! But hay have a good Christmas xx
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Thanks for kind postings folks,
No I would never go over to a stranger and ask that. Hope everything goes well tomorrow(today)xx
I saw a man with dressings over his face recently. My eyes were automatically drawn to look for a split second, but I looked away as soon as I realised I was looking at him and he might find it uncomfortable.
I don't know what makes people go up to someone and ask such intrusive questions. Best wishes again to Mr Caran.
Wisdom from Mamya - Their problem not yours!
To me, it's an odd thing to ask a stranger, but as I believe they say in t'North - "There's nowt so queer as folk".

I hope the procedure goes well, that he has a comfortable recovery & you both have a good Xmas & a Happy New Year :-)

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Oh Having Stitches Out Tomorrow.

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