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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:35 Tue 01st Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
156 Answers
Tuesday. A Happy New Year to all the crew. May the New Year bring you all you wish for and all you need.

Not much to do today, so some domesticity is the order of the day.


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Bye waterman, have a good day x
Morning Eleena and Emmie - HBYs to you both xx
I'm off to find a paper and then down to the Inn for a first footing and a coffee - back on inside 30.....
And the same to you Dt x
So civilised Dt :0)
back on to hand and the papers starting with the puzzles.
A belated good morning and Happy New Year to all.
morning Arrods xx
Hi Minty. Have just started the big clear out ahead of the new kitchen being started in a couple if weeks. Wish us luck! (Have managed to find a good home for the old units - much better than going in a skip.)
good went for the shiny new ?
'Fraid so Minty (he said sheepishly).
better buy some latex gloves ! lol
morning 'Arrods and a HNY
Oh we're not going to open the kitchen cupboards Minty - they're just for show. :-)

Morning DTC and happy new year to you too.
lol..! well must go run roon shower and get on with the day...see you all later xx
bye Minty - one can of beans in the cupboards then, 'Arrods.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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