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Should She Stay Or Go

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Anonymususer123 | 03:18 Thu 03rd Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
My girlfriend was invited to a dinner with her boss and coworkers...i asked her and told her I didn't want her to go...but she didn't listen and went anyways while i was very unhappy an she knew i was unhappy...i dont want her to go because her co corkers are 90% guys the same age and I know how they are...i asked her to not go multiple times but she just ignored me asking and i dont know if she even cares what i feel...please dont be rude in the comments im just looking on an I wrong fir not wanting her to go?what do i do


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Its sad you trust her so little, this dinner could help further her career as people get more exposure to other areas they would not normally meet. Support her and trust her unless you have a genuine reason not to.
Lol Ummm, sorry I've had an awful week and someone has to have it!

Spath, no not at all, it's entirely normal and it's not him anyway who makes that decision, but still no, even if it was. There's always a reason for decisions like that and method in madness, the trick is to keep your head and not take it personally. Every dog has it's day ( except jealous difficult ones obvs ) lol and really not my thing in any case :) x
but when you are 'his dog',(using your phrase) taking another one is a bit.. Savage?

If my Ms said i'm going out for a posh meal and taking another date because you're not suitable, then well.. as she said, we're not suitable.
No, no, no, not at all, and in fact in our industry it's really a very common event, and once you understand how and why that happens, frankly if you get upset about it you're nuts ( or very insecure ) x
well in my industry, our partners are that. We don't pick and choose who is more suitable for certain situations. But as you say.. your industry it must be common.
For 10 years I worked in a department with 14 men. We all got along famously and I got to know their wives and they knew my husband. I think you should trust your girlfriend or I'm afraid there is no future in your relationship.
in my experience people who don't trust their partners are probably cheaters themselves

Yes exactly and then it would be different. If he was a truck driver and wanted to take someone else somewhere then that might be an issue (or not depending why), but when you are promoting something for example you go with who will facilitate that promotion best, be it a film, sponsorship, paid partnership (adv), showmance or just because it's more media interesting for that person to be there and someone else. It's never personal, and shouldn't be taken personally.
At big industry do's half the people rock up have their pics taken and then go straight home or someone else anyway,they are only ever PR do's really, so it's really quite a non event, however my point is to Anonymous to get back to the actual question and stop defending my relationship, don't be a controlling oddity, it won't end well.
You need to back off. Its a work do, nothing else, and you need to learn to trust her.

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