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The Media

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roopower | 16:03 Sun 06th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Nothing much to do today so was idling through the news bites. What a load of rubbish!! When are the media going to stop referring to Katherine Middleton and Meghan Markle? Were they asleep and missed the weddings?


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someone got wed... blimey when did that happen.
Tsk, those news bites eh?
wow , so pleased I'm upto date with currant affairs and such.
Nothing much to do? Have you taken down your Christmas decorations?
I have indeed Tilly, I even know where I've placed them this time ;-)
I imagine roopower is protesting about the use of the wrong names.
I took my Christmas Tree down this afternoon.
About 10 minutes later I found the tree decorations I had been looking for since I put it up!!!
Arksided, will you still know where they are next December though? We must have a decorations gremlin who moves them during the year, they're never where we put them!
I noticed that in Poundstretcher one of the most popular items being bought were plastic storage boxes, I suppose we all need somewhere to put all the additional junk we accumulate over Christmas.
Labels are the answer :-)
They are, respectively, HRH Princess William, Duchess of Cambridge and HRH Princess Henry, Duchess of Sussex.
AKA scroungers .

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