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GavinisGreat | 15:07 Sat 22nd Sep 2018 | Society & Culture
14 Answers
What haircut should I get? Here is the link to a list:
I look kind of like #39 on the list so look at that for reference.
Please, I am looking for helpful suggestions from anyone who can give them!


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A number 1 razor cut. Don't be a slave of fashion.
16:30 Sat 22nd Sep 2018
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A number 1 razor cut. Don't be a slave of fashion.
I would love to comment because I cut my OH's hair and would like to choose a style for him but it disses me as soon as I click on your link.. Arghh.
Grade no.2 back and sides, 5. on top... you can't go wrong I have a bit of fringe to spike up.

You don't wanna be going with any of the ones that look like they've dipped a comb in cooking oil and combed it back, looks lazy and greasy.
Most of those look the same
I thought so as well Hopkirk... got to no.7 then skipped to 39.
Let it grow.
Shoulder length.
1967 Summer of love.
Let your freak flag fly!
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Spikes :-p
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