or what about the radiation death of Louis Slotin
( I mean did ALL of you spend your phizz lessons behind the bike sheds, smoking and gobbing? and um thinking about making gurlz pregnant)
think heart of darkness where mr jedburgh clicks two plutonium sticks together and gets blue air ionization
and the whole conference runs for the doors ( lethal radiation ) screaming because (they think) they are all gonna DIE!
yeah anyway - Slotin and a previous dead pal were assing around with ploot - and the air ionised ( went blue and sparkly) showing an uncontrolled chain reaction and 'hard radiation'
so he .... threw his body over it - as water in his tissues would slow the neutrons down and end the chain reaction
it did
and he died of radiation sickness 10d later but in the propaganda of the time - his gallant action had saved the lives of the other workers in the room
perhaps the dutchman was thinkiing of this